Hypack raw data
Hypack raw data

When the format, the files and the additional options has been set, you can start the import process by clicking the 'Finish' button on the last page of the wizard. Select which files from the folder you wish to import as raw data. After changing the folder the file list is reloaded, and you can use the check boxes to select one or more file(s) to import. Click the 'Browse.' button to select the folder on your computer where the files are stored. In the second page of the wizard you can select which files to import. Select the "HyPack raw data files" option from the drop-down list. Since this tutorial is about importing HyPack raw data, we select the 'HyPack raw data files (*.*)' option from the drop-down list. The first page of the wizard allows you to set the format of the file(s) we wish to import. Right click the "Raw Data" folder and select "Import Data Wizard.". To start the wizard, right-click the 'Raw Data' folder in the " Project Explorer" and select the 'Import Data Wizard.' option. Hydromagic allows users to import projects previously recorded in HyPack, for instance to further process the data in Hydromagic Survey, or to use the data in Hydromagic Dredging (after processing the raw data and generating a matrix file from the soundings). Raw data files in HyPack, are used to store all incoming data with high precision timestamps.

Hypack raw data